optional. Block number as a string, or latest, earliest or pending Latest is the latest balance in a consensus block. Earliest is the first recorded balance for the address. Pending is the latest balance in a consensus or nonconsensus block.
Many chains use their own native tokens. On Ethereum, this will return the result in "Ether", on Gnosis it will be "xDai", etc. Results are returned in wei.
If the balance hasn't been updated recently, the node is double-checked to fetch the absolute latest balance. This will not be reflected in the current request, but once it is updated, subsequent requests will show the updated balance. If you want to know if there is a check for another balance, use the balancemulti action. That contains a property called stale that will let you know to recheck that balance in the near future.
Also available through a GraphQL 'addresses' query
If the balance hasn't been updated in a long time, the node is double checked to fetch the absolute latest balance. This is not reflected in the current request, but once it is updated, subsequent requests will show the updated balance. The stale attribute will be set to true if a new balance is being fetched.
Maximum of 10,000 transactions. Also available through a GraphQL 'address' query. For faster results, specify a smaller block range to search using the startblock and endblock parameters
optional sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default.
optional integer block number to start transaction search
optionalinteger block number to stop transaction search.
optional integer representing the page number used for pagination. offset must also be provided.
optional integer representing number of transactions returned per page. page must also be provided.
optional string representing the field to filter by. Values include to and from. If none provided returns transactions that match to, from, or contract address.
Get internal transactions by transaction or address hash
Up to a maximum of 10,000 internal transactions. Also available through a GraphQL 'transaction' query. For faster results, specify a smaller block range to search using the start_block and end_block parameters.
If the balance hasn't been updated in a long time, the node is double checked to fetch the absolute latest balance. This is not reflected in the current request, but once it is updated, subsequent requests will show the updated balance. The stale attribute will be set to true if a new balance is being fetched.